It’s a Long Weekend!

We’ve landed on what feels like the final long weekend of 2024, for Labor Day. I know we have Thanksgiving which ends up being a four day weekend, but with all the hustle and bustle of family, big meals, and heading into the Christmas season, Thanksgiving almost never feels relaxing to me. Labor Day being the unofficial end to summer kind of makes it a big deal to me. In “my day,” school started after Labor Day, so I guess my body clock hasn’t adjust much in those intervening years.

It’s been another good couple of weeks here at Our20Days. We have recorded and are processing a ton of content you’ll see over the coming weeks. Bud, Jim, Paul, Jennifer, Jenson, and me have been hard at it! We have new content published this past week you can find under the videos section of the website. Take a look:

I don’t know that we have any specific plans for the holiday weekend (at least not that I’ve been told!), but I know we’ll start the weekend Saturday morning with our weekly tradition of cooking up a good solid breakfast. Jenson has fully embraced this ritual, as he stands around the stove watching me prepare HIS bacon and eggs.

We’re wishing you a happy and safe weekend. If you’re on the road or on the water, be careful out there. We want to see you next week!



Remember that long weekend?


Another week in the books!