Remember that long weekend?

Remember last week I pointed out how Labor Day weekend is really the last long weekend of the year and I was really looking forward to it? It really was a good weekend…but as they say, no good deed goes unpunished. We now had to shove five pounds of week into a four pound bag. <rant off>

It’s been busy! Generally a good busy. At Molly Maid, we interviewed a bunch of prospective employees and have accepted offers from four of those candidates who start Monday 9/9. We took delivery of three new cars to replace vehicles whose maintenance costs were getting close to replacement cost.

Our20Days and SpinJen developed and posted a bunch of podcast content. The SpinJen studio continued to evolve and grow in capability, including receipt of a new super-duper PA system which will be in place and ready for client use early next week. And our marketing efforts for both Our20Days and SpinJen started to ramp up.

We published a summary of the week’s new content which can be found here.

And Forty Years Too Late made good headway on adding new material to our set list as we enter a solid stretch of booked gigs from now through mid-October. For those local to Charleston, we’re at Belle Station in Mount Pleasant this Saturday September 7 from 6pm-9pm (weather permitting!).

And this week marks the statistical peak of the North Atlantic Hurricane season. So far so good this season - let’s keep it that way!

Hoping you all enjoyed this past week and all the best as we move forward.



It’s a Long Weekend!