OK Now we’re rolling…

As you may have seen on one of the videos, we’ve added new podcast content. This is super exciting for Our20Days, and our sister business SpinJen Productions. Our20Days is about telling stories of survival and gratitude. SpinJen is the heavy lifting behind it - scripting, recording, editing, posting, hosting, marketing. What you see on Our20Days, SpinJen does for a living producing content, or helping others produce content. See SpinJen.com for more details!

Here at Our20days we’re getting into a rhythm for these 6 podcasts, and as of this week are on a regular production and release schedule. We sincerely appreciate your time and effort to watch and listen to our content.

Here are links to our most recent episodes:

Jenson the Wonderdog

I Object!

Retiring Techies

Far and Near

Dave’s Not Here

Our 20 Days


Another week in the books!


Welcome to Our20Days!